Liberty Privacy Consultants2023/05/08


Passwords are one of the most basic forms of account security.   Passwords have been in use for decades.  Most people make the serious mistake of using passwords that are too short or dictionary based. Another mistake is they use the same passwords across multiple accounts.   These habits put people's data and accounts at risk of being comprimised (i.e. hacked).  So how should we set up good passwords?

First length is important, password should be 12 or more characters, the longer the better.  Passwords need to be complex.  If your password is:
password123, qwerty, Spring2023!, your dogs name, etc., these passwords can be cracked in seconds.  Using a password manager that can randomly generate long, unique and complex passwords is key.  

Passwords should look like this:  Kj3U6&!y8WWtGJnd4Lcv  or this:  4v$c2#nx^7C%*W9Tz*X2  not mypasswordissusperstrong.   
Please don't use any of these passwords.  :)

I'll talk about password managers next.

Password Managers

What is a password manager?  Password manangers are applications that are used to generate and store passwords for all of your online accounts.  This allows you to have a different password for each account.   Now you might say, "But I have too many accounts to use a different password each time!"   That's what Password managers are designed for.   You create one long password or passphrase that YOU can remember to unlock your password manager.   The PM creates complex passwords and saves them for each account.   You simply tap or click on your password manager when you login to a website or application and the PM auto fills the username and password.   This is much more secure than having your browser save it for you.   Use Chrome?  Google has your passwords.   Use Edge?  Microsoft has your passwords.  Password Managers put YOU in control of your account access.  At this time Liberty Privacy uses and endorses Bitwarden for password management.   Adding 2FA and hardware tokens to password managers and accounts adds even more layers of security.  .

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