About Us

We started this business to bring privacy and security to everyone looking for a way to regain control of their digital life & data.

With more than 20 years of experience working in tech and cellular we have seen and used the tools that big tech and the government use to secure THEIR data.

Why should big tech and government have exclusive access to use these tools?  Everyone should be able make their data and their lives more private and more secure.

Privacy is a fundamental human right.

Our goal is to help you exercise that right.

We hope you will join us!

Why use our services?

Privacy and security is something that everyone is looking for.Many are unable or unsure how to obtain it.

"It's too hard." "It's not convenient." "I'm not technical." "I don't know where to start."

All of these are valid reasons people give for not securing their data.

Whether it is the time involved or not having the technical skills we can help.

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